Redby Primary Academy - inadequate
After Ofsted visited in November 2013, Redby Primary Academy Sunderland was placed in special measures. An if you listened to the reported opinions of the school's leadership, in the Sunderland Echo for example, you would be forgiven in thinking that it was all down to the inadequate teachers at the school.
Ofsted's never said there were any inadequate teachers at Redby school; they said that overall teaching was inadequate owing to the failures of the school’s leadership:
Ofsted's never said there were any inadequate teachers at Redby school; they said that overall teaching was inadequate owing to the failures of the school’s leadership:
I think it is reasonable to assume that this is further evidence that the leadership are trying to blame the staff for the school's failings rather than doing something material to rectify things. Three staff gone now. Pushed, sacked or walked - I don't know; I suspect gagging orders, or rather, confidentiality clauses prevent them from talking about settlements.
Are those responsible for this included in the number of staff that have gone? I don't think so.
If there are any inadequate teachers at the school, surely the leadership should be pulling out all stops to support them with training, advice, guidance, opportunities to view good practice; especially since its the school's leadership team - past and present - who have allowed the standards to drop (according to Ofsted) and demonstrated that they had not a clue as to why children's attainment, good or bad, was at the level it was. The leadership should concentrate on supporting staff rather than getting rid of them. The school was "good" on the last Ofsted visit 3 years ago. What has gone wrong?

Getting dodgy consultant Sheelagh Tickell to come up with an improvement plan didn't help either - 'not fit for purpose', Ofsted reckons.
Getting dodgy consultant Sheelagh Tickell to come up with an improvement plan didn't help either - 'not fit for purpose', Ofsted reckons.
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